Eclipse platform provides different useful Ant tasks to interact with the workspace. If you have added any such Ant task (say eclipse.refreshLocal) in your ant build script and started getting "Problem: failed to create task or type eclipse.refreshLocal. Cause: The name is undefined.", then this is the post...
reCAPTCHA is a free CAPTCHA service to protect a site against spam and other types of automated abuse by bots or computer programs. reCAPTCHA provides widget which can easily be integrated to your blog, forum, comment, registration form, contact form, etc and you can be rest assured that only human...
Spring Security provides Logout Handling Service for logging out by navigating to a particular URL (by default /j_spring_security_logout). LogoutFilter starts processing when a request comes for /j_spring_security_logout url and delegates to LogoutHandler(s) to perform the actual logout functionality like clearing security context, invalidating...
This tutorial will help you to write your first Hello World Spring program. We will use Maven tool to generate the project and Eclipse IDE to implement a method which will print 'Hello World!' in the console....
Security is of great concern in any web application. If you are looking for a proven and industry standard solution to secure your Java/J2ee based application, then widely used and highly customizable authentication and access control framework - Spring Security is well worth considering.
This post will show all...
Hadoop Eclipse plug-in (installed in Eclipse IDE or Spring Tool Suite) eases the experience of Map/Reduce on Hadoop. Hadoop distribution does not include Hadoop Eclipse plug-in jar, but includes source code of that plug-in.
In this post, we'll see all the steps to build Hadoop eclipse plug-in from source...