This tutorial describes how an application, deployed in IBM WebSphere Application Server (WAS) can be started or stopped programmatically using Java code....
Apache Ant is an XML-based build tool to automate different tasks like compile, assemble, test source code, building deployment packages and run Java applications. This Hello World example shows how to invoke and run a simple Ant script programmatically using java code....
Hibernate Search is a full text search engine built using Apache Lucene framework. Hibernate Search indexes your domain model, keep the index upto date and also performs full text search functionality to fetch matching domain objects. This Hello World example shows how you can setup hibernate search and get your...
This tutorial will help you to write an annotation based hibernate java program which will save some records into a database and fetch them all using Hibernate API. We will use Maven tool to build the project, Eclipse IDE to code and SQLite database to save / retrieve records. SQLite is...
This example shows how we can traverse a folder or directory structure using recursive algorithm by writing a small java program using Java File API....
Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J) is an abstraction of different logging frameworks (eg. log4j, java.util.logging, commons logging etc.). This gives the developer an opportunity to plug-in desired logging framework at deployment time without changing the code.
To use SLF4J, it is required to include 3 jars SLF4J...