AppFog Cloud Platform is built by using the Cloud Foundry OSS bits alongside its own set of custom extensions and enhancements. AppFog provides good command line tool to deploy application but we can configure Cloud Foundry Integration plugin of Eclipse / Spring Tool Suite (STS) to deploy web application directly from...
Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J) is an abstraction of different logging frameworks (eg. log4j, java.util.logging, commons logging etc.). This tutorial describes how to configure SLF4J with log4j as underlying logging framework.
To use SLF4J, it is required to include 3 jars SLF4J API (slf4j-api-x.x.x.jar)...
This example shows how to generate random alpha numeric text which is not easy to guess....
This example shows how we can dynamically create an image from a text ('Hello World!') by writing a simple Java Servlet. In the next post, we'll see how this dynamic creation of image can be used to implement custom CAPTCHA validation....
If we save a DOM Document to an XML file using javax.xml.transform.Transformer, DOCTYPE declaration gets emitted by default. This example shows how we can retain PUBLIC and SYSTEM id of the DOCTYPE declaration for external DTD....
Jetty provides Gzip Filter to enable dynamic compression of contents like html, javascript, css etc. Just a servlet filter 'org.eclipse.jetty.servlets.GzipFilter' needs to be configured in web.xml to save bandwidth and speed up your website....