If you have migrated / upgraded your project to Spring Framework 3.2 and project builds successfully but when application starts, you are getting IncompatibleClassChangeError, then this post will help you to resolve the same....
Sonar is an open source platform for code quality management. It covers different aspects of code quality management like code duplication, complexity, coverage by unit tests, architecture & design, rule based defect identification etc....
This post describes how to make an HTML table (having THEAD and TBODY) sortable in few minutes using tablesorter jQuery plugin. This plugin can parse and sort many types of data like number, text, currency, URI, IP address, date, time including linked data in a table cell....
Are you planning to buy a Google's Chromebook? Want to experience how it looks like before you decide? Then this is the post worth looking into. Here we'll see how to setup, run and explore Chromium OS in Oracle VM VirtualBox....
Spring Mobile is an extension to Spring MVC for development of mobile web applications. The Spring Mobile Device module provides a feature (DeviceResolver / LiteDeviceResolver) to detect devices like mobile and tablet in the server side.
Device aware view management is very useful specially when it is required to serve different...
In this post, we'll see how to get started with a Spring Web model-view-controller (MVC) framework based Hello World web application in few steps....