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68 Articles

3 min read Min Read
Spring Security provides Logout Handling Service for logging out by navigating to a particular URL (by default /j_spring_security_logout). LogoutFilter starts processing when a request comes for /j_spring_security_logout url and delegates to LogoutHandler(s) to perform the actual logout functionality like clearing security context, invalidating...
9 min read Min Read
Security is of great concern in any web application. If you are looking for a proven and industry standard solution to secure your Java/J2ee based application, then widely used and highly customizable authentication and access control framework - Spring Security is well worth considering. This post will show all...
11 min read Min Read
Hadoop Eclipse plug-in (installed in Eclipse IDE or Spring Tool Suite) eases the experience of Map/Reduce on Hadoop. Hadoop distribution does not include Hadoop Eclipse plug-in jar, but includes source code of that plug-in. In this post, we'll see all the steps to build Hadoop eclipse plug-in from source...