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68 Articles

11 min read Min Read
Good news for Hadoop developers who want to use Microsoft Windows OS for their development activities. Finally Apache Hadoop 2.2.0 release officially supports for running Hadoop on Microsoft Windows as well. But the bin distribution of Apache Hadoop 2.2.0 release does not contain some windows native...
2 min read Min Read
Nowadays we use different URL shortening services (like, TinyURL, Google URL Shortener etc.) to shorten long URL to fit in micro-blogging sites (like Twitter), to beautify a link, view analytics on link clicks, make a link manageable for sharing (in SMS or printed hard copy, book, magazine etc....
3 min read Min Read
HTTP basic authentication (BA) is a simple authentication mechanism. When a web client requests any secured web resources, server sends an HTTP response with status code 401 (Unauthorized) and WWW-Authenticate HTTP header like WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="realm here". And browser pops up a login dialog prompting for User name and...
3 min read Min Read
Eclipse platform provides different useful Ant tasks to interact with the workspace. If you have added any such Ant task (say eclipse.refreshLocal) in your ant build script and started getting "Problem: failed to create task or type eclipse.refreshLocal. Cause: The name is undefined.", then this is the post...
6 min read Min Read
reCAPTCHA is a free CAPTCHA service to protect a site against spam and other types of automated abuse by bots or computer programs. reCAPTCHA provides widget which can easily be integrated to your blog, forum, comment, registration form, contact form, etc and you can be rest assured that only human...